Black ants, are more of a nuisance than a health risk, known as the Garden Ant, they normally form a nest in gardens, under paving stones, or occasionally within buildings.
The black ant colonies have a single queen. Black ants have a varied diet, but are particularly attracted to sweet substances.
Foraging workers are able to communicate food source locations to other foraging ants, causing large numbers to invade an area.

Treatment – Bug Busters can help remove Ants
Bug Busters pest control will initially assess the problems you are experiencing, then a wet spray treatment will be applied around the perimeter of your premises that will build a barrier between the house and the garden.
Once the treatment is complete, Bug Busters pest control will arrange a follow-up visit in approximately 2 weeks, when the same treatment will be carried out once again to eradicate any ants that have hatched out during this time.