Welcome to Bug Busters Dorset – Professional Pest Control Services
We offer free quotes and same-day service. Call us today on 01929 460011 or 07973 407027
Fumigation/disinfection service carried out to help guard against fleas, bedbugs, cluster flies, bird mites and all insect infestations.
Insect control is the process of exterminating insects that can transmit infectious diseases and causes allergic reactions.
Disinfection and pest control measures aimed at preventing appearance and spread of infectious diseases.
Contact now for free quote and same-day service on 01929 460011 or 07973 407027
Latest News

Hornets Nest in a Hot Tub
Hornets decided to create a nest in the side of a hot tub. Please contact us if you discover an unwanted Hornet or Wasp nest or would like more information about the services we offer.

Wasps are emerging
Wasps are beginning to emerge, the large Queens can now be seen searching for an appropriate nesting site for the coming summer months, the White […]

Hornets appear very similar to common wasps, but are larger and coloured chestnut-brown (rather than black) and yellow. The largest of the British social wasps, […]

What a Bumble Bee nest looks like
For those of you who don’t know what a Bumble Bee nest looks like, this is it… new potatoes spring to mind… this one was […]

How to get rid of wasps
Prevention is key if you want to avoid problems with wasps, especially during the summer months when they are most active.

Do It Yourself Fly Control
Flies are bad news whether you find an infestation in your home or business. If left untreated flies can spread bacteria such as Salmonella and E.Coli.

Keeping pests at bay in Covid-19 pandemic
Be vigilant to pest infestation during the Covid-19 crisis!!, Some local authorities struggle to maintain refuse collection services at this time.

Fumigations / disinfections
Fumigation / Disinfection service carried out to help guard against fleas, bed bugs, cluster flies, bird mites and all insect infestations. Insect control is the […]