Be vigilant to pest infestation during the Covid-19 crisis!!, Some local authorities struggle to maintain refuse collection services at this time.
The British Pest Control Association (BPCA), has raised concerns over the situation, and have said: “The link between piles of uncollected bin bags and pests is clear.
More rubbish, particularly food, supports the emergence of pests, particularly rodent infestations.
It’s not just a matter of nuisance, but a public health issue.
Pests like rats and flies feed on the leftovers in our bins.
Rats in particular carry many diseases which can be easily spread to humans through their urine, including Toxoplasmosis and Weil’s Disease.
The last thing the country needs right now is a plague of rats alongside the pandemic.
Rats and mice can reproduce incredibly quickly given access to a plentiful supply of food, such as food waste.
If environmental conditions are preferable, a female rat can reproduce every six weeks with litters consisting of 6-8 offspring.
Collecting rubbish is vital to ensure rats aren’t fed.
Bug Busters pest control is still working hard to protect homes locally during this pandemic, situations like this reinforce how crucial the pest control is.
How to Prevent a rat infestation
In times of rat invasions you have to determine why, and how rats get in to your loft in the first place, and you’ll always be one step ahead of a disaster.
Care for your garden.
The tidier your garden, the less inviting it is to rodents, reducing nesting sites and helping to reduce contamination.
Prune your high plants and regularly clean debris out of the garden, this will limit the food source for the rats, also, it sends a strong message – this is a home well taken care of so do not set up home here!
Keep your rubbish stored away from an entrance to your home, If rats find your rubbish attractive, they will just assume it gets even better inside the house and could well decide to find a weakness in the property to gain entry.
Repair holes. Make sure your loft is sealed tight, Rats squeeze through even half an inch long cracks and use every opportunity so….do a thorough check!!
Its well worth the effort and do this on a regular basis, it’ll pay off.